In October of 2014 I got my first opportunity to shoot for a magazine. I joined a group on Facebook earlier in the year called "Automotive Photographers" which has photographers from all over the world who share their work and critique others to help improve and spread everyone's work. I thought this is a great way to see what is going on in the field. There are many great photographers in the group who not only have great work but also spend time helping others. One of them is Andrew Link who is the photo director for RIDES magazine. I saw he posted a question asking if there are any photographers near Tallahassee who would be able to shoot a car for an article in an upcoming issue. I commented and said I am a 3 hour trip away but I would be able to do it. The shoot was just a few shots of the first car to ride on 34" Starr wheels.
The cover of the issue
Originally I was going to be able to travel and shoot one day and then come home and edit them the next day to then send to Andrew. However since the car was not supposed to be finished until SEMA a month later so the plan changed to travel, shoot, and edit all in one day since the car still needed more work. I was up for the challenge though. So I was told the car should be ready around 2pm so I left 2 hours early to get there with plenty of time to look around for a location and to hopefully have more time to edit. When I got to Tallahassee the weather was terrible so I stared looking for a covered location. I decided to go to the shop, Car Show Customs, to check on the cars progress and found out the car wouldn't be read for a few more hours. It was around 6pm when the car was ready and the rain let up so I was able to shoot the car outside at a close location which helped save time. Right after I finished the shoot a bit before 7pm and I headed to edit the photos and get dinner. I finished editing the photos around 10pm and sent them out. I then started my trip home and got home around 1am. It was a long day but a great experience all thanks to Andrew Link!